Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 1 in Hawaii

I am posting the same story on Jaydens and Kallee's blog, so you do not have to read it twice, but when they get older they can read them on their own blog.

Day 1

Jayden, Kallee, Alison and I had to get up at 5:30 in the morning to go to the airport. We actually bought lightweight suitcases so that we could “pack” right for Hawaii… (so far we over packed cold weather clothes, the weather has been great).

The luggage worked great as our suitcases weighed 38 and 45 pounds respectively…. (Alison was not happy that she took some clothes out before we left… my bad.)

The airport it self was.. interesting, the kids did okay in line, but we had to check two bags and a car set.. then we were carrying a stroller, booster seat, 1 more suit case, a computer backpack, Jayden’s backpack, Kallee’s backpack, and Alison’s bag..we seriously had like 10 things to x-ray. The I was done and Alison took the kids to get snacks and me Black Licorice…

Kallee and Jayden were really excited about flying for the first time. They could not wait. That is until we got on the plane and we were taxing down the runway. That is when Jayden asked “are we there yet??” That got about 15 chuckles from the other passengers and sympathetic looks from older people whose kids were older. Kallee was lucky as the person next to her was a great gentleman who did not mind the questions and the kicks as she kept flopping across both him and me. But she did almost sleep halfway. Then I took her for an hour and then Alison had both of them for an hour and a half. Jayden was very good except for when the movie players would not work and then he threw a major fit… and loud. But daddy had a laptop and movie time was saved… yeah!!..

The both watched as they counted at least 5 islands coming into Maui and they thought the landing was good…. But Jayden was disappointed because he thought we were landing right on the beach.

But he got over it. The first day was for us to find out how warm it really was here, even with the trade winds… I was ripe by the time we came back from a local park were Jayden climb a coconut tree. The plants here are awesome and I wish I could take them and grow them in our yard. The house, which was originally my Grandparents has been completely redecorated and redone and looks very attractive. Jayden and Kallee both have their own rooms. And we have our own bathroom and room. It is great.

Alison and I went to Buzz’s and I had a wonderful Filet Mignon and Alison had the Ono. The kids stayed with Grandpa and Grandma and were happy to leave us.

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