Thursday, August 18, 2011

Days 13 & 14 and Where to Eat on Maui

Day 12,

Jayden once again was a crier, pretty much all day long.. he cried when he did not think he was getting his way. He cried when he did not think the waitress heard he wanted ketchup, he cried that we were going to go to a hotel, he cried because he could not get his clothes on fast. He cried when he was told to get out of bed… then he fell asleep at the restaurant. The kid goes and goes and goes until he is to the point of breaking.. He does not trust mommy and me that we will not have his interests in mind. I am not sure why he does not think we know what he wants and what he likes, because we know him better then he does.

Kallee was also in trouble a lot but more for not listening to his mother… she is a tough cookie and does what she wants… which gets her in big trouble with her father and daddy wins.

We have moved to Kaanapali Beach and are staying at the Hyatt Regency on the beach. It is a very beautiful and cool hotel with lots of things for the kids and us to do… I will talk about it tomorrow.

Tonight I am burnt and in pain and very tired. But I have to tell you about some of the best places that we have eaten at so far.

We love Maui Tacos:

We love Lahaina Pizza Factory:

We love Moose McGillucuddys;

Cheeseburger in Paradise has some great atmosphere and good staff:
But the Lahaina Pizza Factory has the best waitress,.. I will try to remember her name but she got Kallee some Ice Cream and Kallee remember her from the other day and she went over and gave her a hug… she and the Waitress had all saying ahhhhh… It was a good day. But I am tired so I will talk tomorrow.

Day 13

It was a very nice day except for the 2nd degree burns. You would think I would have learned. So for future reference… when in paradise… in Hawaii and your back and shoulders have not seen the sun in 10 years. And you think just between the clouds are in the air and the wind is blowing,,, you will burn… The good news is the blisters are going away… the bad news is the kids keep hitting me in the tail bone and the Kallee rips at the scabs when I carry her… aah to be a daddy. Side note, Alison was watching the Maui Channel and it just told us about how to be careful with the sun and we are 21 degrees closer to the sun and so you can get burned easier and faster… nice huh. She is still laughing at us.

Second side note… Kallee is like a Pro-Bowl Corner when she wants to get picked up.. she literally jumps in front of you and then shadows your every move so you cannot get by her.

The kids had a good day, we ate at the Hyatt Regency Swan Court where the kids ate and played and fed the Koi fish and watched the penguins get fed. They also have many tropical birds that Jayden and Kallee kept saying aloha and laughing at which the bird laughed back… I will have to get the name of the bird. We then spend 3 great,,, (miserable as my blisters were poping under my shirt) hours at the pool where Kallee played in the little pool and Jayden did not get to go down the big slide… he was very sad so next time we will do it. He has to be 48 inches… But he got over it and had a great time swimming with mommy and going under the water fall and jumping in and just being a boy. Kallee and I did the sand and the kiddie water, and then the hot tub and then we moved to the shade by the pool and just lounged for a while… the pool will be coming into my future as I get over this burn.

Kallee and Jayden have so many things to look at and we did not even hit the beach at Kanapali yet.

Grandma and Grandpa Gebers picked up the kids and will have them for a couple of days and that let Alison and I revel in the past…. We went to the two places we stayed at for our honeymoon,, Lahaina Shores and the Royal Lahaina…. And then we ate at Basil Tomatoes… I love that place great memories, and great food… it was awesome.. I finally got to eat rizzoto. I like rizzotto… It tasted so good. It was a very nice way to spend a night with the one woman I will love and honor for the rest of my life. We enjoyed that so much and then we moved to Front St. In Lahaina and just walked and perused. It was cool. I went back and bought a Maui Built water shirt for our Molokini adventure so I do not burn more, and then I bought a Maui Built tee. For Alison I bought her a sweatshirt. It is cool to buy something that you can only buy on Maui… Nice.. cause this ain’t the mainland. We could really live here because we both like the whole Maui time.

It was fun and nice day and a great, and fond night of awesome food and memories…

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