Thursday, August 18, 2011

Days 14-16

Day 14

Jayden and Kallee got to spend the whole day with Grandpa and Grandma. They seemed to be very happy with the grandparent and uncle Roy as Jayden won the most Uno games over all comers. Jayden was very excited to tell us how he beat every one in cards. He even gave up going swimming to play cards with Roy and Grandma. Kallee was okay as she was color with complete intensity.

Kallee has so many great facial expressions… When we ask Jayden if he wants to go somewhere,,, Kallee says “I go too,.,, yes” and she gets so excited when we say yes… Then her best word is no. NO!!.. You may not be able to understand all she says… but the word NO is not one of them. She says that one with intensity.

Today we went on a great snorkel cruise to Honokahoua bay. It was on the Genmini and it was a great run. Alison and I stayed in the water more than anyone else. I was also the one who say the Giant Sea Turtle on the trip and one of the first to see the Spinner Dolphins. It was a wonderful trip but I still am having issues with nausea.

We had some food and then I got to eat Ono Gellato and it was awesome. The day was nice to spend with Alison as we walked places and just enjoyed being together… good times for us.

Day 15

Today we started off with a 30 dollar breakfast and then went and picked up Kallee and Jayden…. It was great to see them as they were so excited to see us,…. I love that about them… Kallee is really great with the hugs.

We came back to the Hotel and Jayden was so happy. He wanted to come back to the pool and we did. We were in the water for 4 and a half hours… My Kallee boo stayed in the pool and the hot tub the whole time.. amazing. This is the girl who did not want to be down there at all… but she found her niche with the inner tube.

Kallee and Jayden loved the hotel. They are so excited with the birds and the pools and the beach. Tonight we ended up on a date with our children. Alison and Jayden went really fast and then Kallee and I on a more leisurely stroll. Jayden and mommy played in the sand and played by the big boats and watched for sea shells. Kallee and I climbed up Major Anchors from some really big boats.

Ironically we both found ourselves at Whalers village but never saw each other… Mommy and Jayden were upstairs and Kallee and I down. We watched a Polynesian dance and hula show that was amazing. The boys and girls were awesome.. Kallee was dancing and shaking her booty.

Kallee and I walked around the shops and took the trolley back to the hotel and then watched the moon and stars while Jayden and Mommy walked back.. it was a beautiful night and we took advantage of it.. I think that we had a very lovely day and great night. The sunset was amazing as well.

Day 16

I have to say it started rough but came up beautiful. Jayden started the day in the drink. Literally. Jayden was waiting to feed the fish and then all of a sudden, he was in the fish. He had fallen in… I know my son the always great on his feet, never falling down, great coordination Jayden. The mother who was talking to Alison was quick on her feet, and the security/safety team was really awesome… and did such a wonderful thing going beyond what was expected of them. They are amazing people and I will always remember Kim and the rest of the staff at the Hyatt Regency in Maui. I know that when we come back we are going to come here. Amazing staff amazing resort… love it. Jayden was even given the opportunity to feed the fish afterwards… They are so nice to my children. They did not look at Jayden as someone to be scorned… but to be cared for.

Hyatt is A+

Jayden Banged his head and then also skinned up his knee and probably gave the fish a fright of their life… the penguins just watched with amusement. The kids love feeding the fish and talking to the Macaws and Parrots. We swam forever and I worked with Kallee on her swim kick,,, but otherwise, swimming lessons went to the wayside. Alison and Jayden were all over the pool.

Tonight we walked the beach for the final night… we made some sand castles, got some shells, walked int the water, watched some hula dancers and fire dancers, ate dinner at a place called Longboards.. and then came back to the hotel. It was a beautiful night with a wonderful sunset and a time to spend together as a family…… Jayden was happy, Kallee Boo was happy, Mommy was happy and I was Happy.

Since Alison came into my life I have been so blessed… Trips together to Vegas, Washington DC. Mariners Games and Trips to Phoenix and Tuscan. Then the Jayden and Kallee came and we took short trips to Lake Chelan, and Seattle and Portland, and the great trips to Seaside. But this was the best family trip we have taken. Filled with so much adventure and moments… so much happiness and energy and fun… I would be lying if I said I was always happy, no I got annoyed and sick and tired and had to punish both JJ and Kallee Boo.. Boo would have major tired hissy fits and Jayden with his tryiong to do all things on his own.. but even with that I would say that life was great here…. I cannot wait to come back to Maui. I was so fortunate to stay and see the house I remember as a kid and the memories with my grandparents… the yard and the neighborhood.. The Iao Valley and the beaches, and the time with my parents here.. Jayden and Kallee are fortunate to see both grandparents so much.

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