Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jayden and the Start of Kindergarten

Jayden and the Start of Kindergarten

The end of summer was anti-climatic to the start. JJ, Kallee, Alison and I did some parks and went to the Fair and a few other small things.

The biggest moment was really seeing if Jayden was ready to start Kindergarten. Not Physically because he is a big boy. Not Mentally because he can count to 100, He knows he letters and can write the alphabet and type his name as well as sound out a few words.

Jayden and I spent hours at the end of the summer writing and sounding our words and even trying to learn his colors in Spanish. We talked about money and what the different coins represented and how much they were worth.

He is very talented and I have to give props to Mrs. Sutherland and Mrs. Travis at Childrens Garden. Their borders and work with Jayden have paid off. I may have not been as patient as they were with Jayden but in the end he performed well.

It would be emotionally. He was talking “Baby” talk almost all summer.. and it was getting to the point of annoyance . He also still was really whining and pouting at times. He was getting so excited that he would act younger than his age. I had tough talks about Jayden with people and they were nervous about Jayden starting out this year as well. It was a big slap in the face to Alison and I about what we needed to do for Jayden to be successful. Alison gave Jayden calming talks and soothing rebuffs. I was honest about what kids might say to him if he acted the way he was, and they would make fun of him.

Jayden changed, not just because of us, but because he wanted very much to go to Kindergarten. He stopped wearing night diapers and slept in his underwear. He has cut down a lot on the baby talk and did his “schoolwork”. I still get really nervous for him because I do not want him to fear school or not like it like he was at the end of last year. But not as nervous as before. So…

We had an open house to see his new teacher Mrs. Heppworth. He also got to hang with mommy and a bear one day and finally, last Friday he went to his first day of school.

He loved it. He met a new friend named Jackson and likes his teacher and loves playing at recess with Jonah. He loves spending the afternoon at Auntie Emily’s and having adventures with Dawson. He likes going to school in the morning and can stand in line without touching anyone else.

Here are some pics from his first week. He is growing up so fast…

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