Friday, September 23, 2011

JJ and Kindergarten

JJ and the Fight Jayden has started Kindergarten and it has been a really nice experience except for one small point. Jayden punched another kid. Why, he wanted too. Did the boy do anything to him? No. Was He angry? No. So we had to have the “what are you thinking” and “you did something hurtful and bad”. It was hard because you could see on his face he was embarrassed and hurt and felt dumb. But you have to be a parent or it will happen more than you want. Jayden also spent some time with me at Open House at my school. He drew on the board and wrote a apology note and really wants to come back when there are games to be played and hang around the school. He is getting old enough that this is a very viable option. He had a good time and I enjoyed him being there. Jayden also started upward soccer again and seems to be having fun 70 percent of the time. He pouts sometimes but it is getting better. He had a lot of fun at the Sausage Fest that Christ the King put on with Kallee and his Cousins and cannot wait to do again next year. He is improving everyday on his writing and pronunciation of letters. I am really proud of him. He is grown so fast this summer both emotionally and physically. He really makes me proud of him when I see how he is with Kallee and with his mommy. The way he is getting better about cleaning up after himself and how he wants to help fix things. His ability to work on things and his curious mind that tries to figure out how things tick. PS He loves that he gets to ride the school bus… in fact he wished the bus went the long way so he could be on it a little longer… that will change over time.

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